This is how you can easily throttle Android networking interface on the emulator. You can go via telnet or netcat.
##TL;DR To set the network interface to have throughput of 6000 bits/s (0.7 KB/s) and 2000 ms latency you would use these commands (for the first emulator that usually defaults to port 5554)
echo "network delay 2000" | nc localhost 5554
echo "network speed 6 6" | nc localhost 5554
For more details and samples read on…
echo "network delay 8000" | nc localhost 5554
➜ ~ echo "network delay 8000" | nc localhost 5554
Android Console: type 'help' for a list of commands
➜ ~ echo "network status" | nc localhost 5554
Android Console: type 'help' for a list of commands
Current network status:
download speed: 0 bits/s (0.0 KB/s)
upload speed: 0 bits/s (0.0 KB/s)
minimum latency: 8000 ms
maximum latency: 8000 ms
echo "network speed 6 6" | nc localhost 5554
➜ ~ echo "network speed 6 6" | nc localhost 5554
Android Console: type 'help' for a list of commands
➜ ~ echo "network status" | nc localhost 5554
Android Console: type 'help' for a list of commands
Current network status:
download speed: 6000 bits/s (0.7 KB/s)
upload speed: 6000 bits/s (0.7 KB/s)
minimum latency: 8000 ms
maximum latency: 8000 ms
➜ ~ echo "network" | nc localhost 5554
Android Console: type 'help' for a list of commands
allows you to manage the settings related to the network data connection of the
emulated device.
available sub-commands:
status dump network status
speed change network speed
delay change network latency
capture dump network packets to file
➜ ~ echo "help" | nc localhost 5554
Android Console: type 'help' for a list of commands
Android console command help:
help|h|? print a list of commands
event simulate hardware events
geo Geo-location commands
gsm GSM related commands
cdma CDMA related commands
kill kill the emulator instance
network manage network settings
power power related commands
quit|exit quit control session
redir manage port redirections
sms SMS related commands
avd control virtual device execution
window manage emulator window
qemu QEMU-specific commands
sensor manage emulator sensors
try 'help <command>' for command-specific help