Sublime Text Shortcuts

⌘ = command

⌥ = option

` = ⇧`

⌃ = control


__Shortcut__      |    __Action__ ------------- | ------------- __⌘__ T               |              go to file __⌘__ __⌃__ P          |             go to project __⌘__ R                |             go to methods __⌘__ ⇧  P             |             command prompt __⌃__  G               |             go to line __⌃__  `               |             Python console


__Shortcut__   |    __Action__ ------------- | ------------- __⌘__ L          |        select line (repeat select next lines) __⌘__ D          |        select word </br>repeat to select others or multiple editing __⌃__ ⇧  M          |        select content into brackets __⌘__ ⇧  Enter          |        insert line before __⌘__ Enter          |        inter line after __⌃__ ⇧  K          |        delete line __⌘__ K-K          |        delete from cursor to end of line __⌘__ K-Delete          |        delete from cursor to start of line __⌘__ ⇧ D          |        duplicate line(s) __⌘__ J          |        join lines __⌘__ K-U          |        upper case __⌘__ k-L          |        lower case __⌘__ /          |        comment -> line or selection __⌘__ __⌥__ /          |        block comment __⌘__ Y          |        redo or repeat __⌘__ ⇧  Z          |        paste and ident __⌃__ Space          |        autocomplete <br>repeat to select next suggestion __⌃__ M         |        jump to matching brackets


__Shortcut__      |    __Action__ ------------- | ------------- __⌘__ __⇧__ A          |        select content into tag __⌘__  __⌥__  .        |         close tag


__Shortcut__      |    __Action__ ------------- | ------------- __⌘__  F                 |        find __⌘__  __⌥__ F           |        replace __⌘__  __⌥__  G          |         find next occurrence of current word __⌘__  __⌃__ G           |         select all occurrences of current word <br> (multiple editing) __⌘__  __⇧__ F           |        find in files


__Shortcut__      |    __Action__ ------------- | ------------- __⌘__   __⌥__   1          |        Single column __⌘__   __⌥__   2          |        Two columns __⌘__   __⌥__   5          |        Grid (4 groups) __⌃__  [1,2,3,4]           |       Focus group __⌃__  ⇧[1,2,3,4]          |        Move file to group __⌘__  [1,2,3...]          |        Select tab


__Shortcut__      |    __Action__ ------------- | ------------- __⌘__  F2           |        Toggle bookmark F2                  |        next bookmark ⇧  F2               |        previous bookmark __⌘__  ⇧  F2        |        clear bookmarks


__Shortcut__      |    __Action__ ------------- | ------------- __⌘__ K-W          |        delete from cursor to mark __⌘__ K-A         |        select from cursor to mark __⌘__ K-G          |        clear mark